jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

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Hi ha un ampli comerç en la ciutat de Rubí. 


Ampliar en una finestra emergent
El servei de Comerç té com objectiu la promoció del comerç local.


-Oferim suport tècnic als nostres comerciants
-Donem subvencions per millorar el comerç i promocionar-lo
-Organitzem programes de formació per als comerciants de la nostra ciutat
-Promovem el Mercat Municipal i col·laborem amb les campanyes que duen a terme les associacions de comerciants per reforçar el comerç local
-Informem sobre la normativa comercial.
-Treballem per tenir un Consell Consultiu de Comerç

A través de la campanya El Comerç fa Ciutat volem apropar una visió del comerç dinàmic i modern als ciutadans i a les ciutadanes de Rubí.

El més conegut és el Mercat de Rubí, la qual hi ha molts tipus de tendes, i de totes les coses que es poden imgaginar!
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Entorn natural

Espais verds: La ciutat compta amb una extensa xarxa de parcs i zones verdes: 
Parc de l’onze de setembre: Està situat davant de l'escola Montserrat.

Parc/plaça ‘Pearson’
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Parc de Ca ‘n’Oriol: 
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Zones verdes:
Zona verda de Ca n’Oriol.
Can Xercavins.
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Can Ramoneda.

Ca n’Alzamora.
El Pinar.
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Can Corbera.
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Can Copa.

History of Rubi

The current name according to historians view comes from the name registered as a Rube Rivo. Found in Roman ruins, its name in Latin, is translatable to stream in reference to the red clay that pulls the stream and it is believed he was given its present name.
Prehistory and old age
Riera de Rubí thousands of years ago, invited the men and women from the Neolithic to install themselves on the hill Can Fatjó and Serreta. Thousands of years later, his heirs took root in this land.
On reaching the fourth century to C, the Iberians built their villages on the hill Can Fatjó and Castle, from where they could see how the Romans arrived in the peninsula. Witnesses of that time are stellar Iberian and Iberian Romanic Can Fatjó oven.
During the Romans, the settlement Can Fatjó became a stable and prosperous town with public buildings. There were farms engaged mainly in agricultural cultivation of vines and wine operation.
Half age
After the death of Wilfred the Hairy, the border between Christians and Muslims in this area was bounded by the river Llobregat: Christians settled in North and South there were still Muslims. It was the consolidation of a first line of conquests, but always with a wide border area seems very vague and quite empty of people.The first written reference that speaks of Rivo Rube, the current homes, dating from around 986 the Church of St. Peter and St. Genis protected by the Castle.
In the fourteenth century rubinencs could elect its first royal bailiff, Peter Xercavins. At the moment it begins to shape the town of Ruby. During the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Ruby remained a small town with small town dotted with farmhouses and hamlets.
Industrial Revolution and Indians
In the mid-nineteenth century, textile mills were installed to the side of the creek and they shared the limelight with the rural world. In 1824 appeared the first factory (the wool), and still more came, all were moved by water from the creek, until in 1897 the electricity was light ruby.
In the late nineteenth century, the Queen Regent Maria Cristina gives Ruby the honorary title of Villa. It is when rubinenca life revolves around the vineyard. In 1919 the winery was built and some rubinencs Cooperative cross the Atlantic to America in search of fortune. They were the 'Indians', in returning home, build some towers modernists such as Riba or Tower Tower Street Gaju Chile.With the advent of electric train in 1918 to also reach the first migrant Ruby contemporaries. At the beginning of the century, economic and cultural activity in our city is very intense. Created Esbart Dance of Rubi Rubi and the Museum of Montserrat School, among others, also appear Agricultural Society, the Cooperative Winery, Ribas and Schools Drama Association Rusiñol.
Arises several years marked by the massive influx of immigrants from the south and a new industrial thrust. And the night of 25 September 1962. That night, plus many rubinencs killed, disappeared more than houses, factories and plantations, also ceased to exist that Rubí long walks and quiet corners.
ModernismSince the establishment of a ruby ​​us directly subject to the King of Aragon, was created a municipal government, with executive power consists of two jurors and a general council, composed of the heads of the leading families, who chose the Mayor This and the two judges presided over the meetings of the council. The municipal government undertook to lease the main public services: the butcher, from 1448, the square since 1516, the store of wheat, bakery and tavern since 1582, the fair since 1599, and the tent since 1600.During the s. Ruby XVI begins a decline in population, to s. XVIII, 150-200 people in a stall. It is the result of a period of wars and epidemics infested.
Demographic shifts
The city's population grew from 3,000 inhabitants in 1860 which counted up to the 6,000 that were stabilized from the 1930s until the 1960s, except for a decrease produced by the Spanish Civil War and the subsequent exile. The population growth during this period is based on immigration from Catalonia. If in the early sixties Ruby barely exceeded 9,000 inhabitants, the population tripled in this decade, and the late twentieth century already surpassed 50,000. The arrival of people from other Catalan cities and waves of immigration from North Africa and South and Central America make Ruby a city that already exceeds 70,000 inhabitants, composed of 50.5% in male population and 49.4% female population.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Rubí Tourism.

Freetime offer.
In Rubí there are many freetime offer,for exemple as street filed with shops where you can find what they wanted when they wanted. And this place is called "Ruby galleries. Also on the main streetthere is much diversity of freetime offers: sports, restaurants, hotels
In Ruby there are many hotels, but we are very comfortable andluxurious in its style, although there are hotels that are outside of Ruby.
The hotel most famous hotel is the St. Peter II.

The restaurants found in Ruby are very welcoming, and there are awide range of food which you can choose many kinds of food.One example in Ruby is next to the school / institute Regina Carmeli, which is called the Portalet.
Buildings or museums to visit:
In Ruby there is only one museum, but there has all the figures andarchitectural remains of the modern age and average. The buildingscan be visited in Ruby are the church, school brothers Rives, wine cellar.